Case History
In all these years there have been several operations and subdivisions that have been managed exclusively, some of which are listed below.
The management of subdivision and construction begins with a careful qualitative advice on the product in order to identify the cuts, finishes and the most appropriate technologies a certain market needs for each intervention.
It is important to learn how to read the finish and plant contents that new techniques and regulations require and offer to the market.
Another key concept is to study promotional campaigns so that their incisiveness and originality will catch the attention of their identified target.
Assi&Partners assists both parties in every stage of the operation, from the beginning to the end, always complying with the company’s code of ethics.
Milano – Piazza Santa Maria del Suffragio 3
Commercialisation and subdivision of an early 20th-century residential and commercial building, including building renovation and strengthening, totalling 6,300 sqm.
Milano – Piazza Santo Stefano 12
Commercialisation and subdivision of an early 16th-century residential and commercial building, including restoration and renovation, totalling 2,400 sqm.
Milan – Viale Sabotino 16
Development, marketing, sales and coordination operations for a residential and commercial property built in 1920, as well as building-renovation and reconsolidation interventions, on a total area of 1,600 sqm.
Milano – Via Laura Solera Mantegazza 5/7
Marketing, sales and subdivision operations for a late-eighteen-century stately residential and commercial building, as well as restyling and building-renovation interventions on a total area of 5,240 sqm.
Milan – Via Timavo 32
Marketing, sales and coordination operations for a new stately residential building, composed of 48 flats and 84 garages on a total area of 6,000 sqm.
Milano – C.so di Porta Vittoria 46
Marketing, sales and subdivision operations for a residential and office property on a total area of 4,800 sqm.
Milan – Viale Vincenzo Lancetti 38/40/42/44
Marketing, sales and coordination operations for a new residential and loft property, composed of 74 flats, 15 lofts and 200 garages on a total area of 12,144 sqm.
Milano – Via dei Frangipani 3
Marketing, sales and subdivision operations for a newly-built residential property on a total area of 2,870 sqm.
Milan – Via Fontana 11
Marketing, sales and subdivision operations for a residential and office property on a total area of 3,700 sqm.
Milan- Via Console Flaminio 11
Development, marketing, sales and coordination operations for a newly-built residential property, composed of 22 flats and 35 garages on a total area of 2,000 sqm.
Milan – Via Mancinelli 11
Marketing, sales and coordination operations for a re-styled vintage property composed of 31 residential flats on a total area of 3,140 sqm.
Fuori Milano
Moltrasio (CO) – Via Regina 31
Marketing, sales and coordination operations for a restyling and building-renovation intervention, on a total area of 3,900 sqm.
Pavia – Via Giuseppe Verdi
Marketing, sales and coordination operations for a newly-built residential property, on a total area of 8,200 sqm.
Cervinia (AO) – Maison J.A. Carrell
Marketing and sales operations on the behalf of the Lombardy region and the foreign market for a requalifying and reconstruction intervention of an old hamlet composed of chalet flats, on a total area of 2,000 sqm.
Como – Via Borgovico 241
Marketing, sales and coordination operations for a requalifying intervention of an area divided into three lots: the first one has been restyled and renovated; the second one is composed of new residential flats looking onto the lake and the last one has been converted into a hotel, which has been sold to the Hilton hotel-and-resort chain. The total area is of 45,000 sqm.
Monza – Via Bartolomeo Zucchi 23/25/27
Marketing, sales and subdivision operations for an early-nineteen-century property, as well as restyling and renovation interventions. It is composed of residential and office flats, on a total area of 5,575 sqm.
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